Seattle AND SEDONA Portrait Photographer
“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Oh HEY, I’m Dawndra
In the forest and along the trails of the Pacific Northwest and the Red Rock trails of Sedona, I tell visual love stories of couples, families, and woman using photography and storytelling to show deep connections and create personal art.
I believe that all people are a work of art. Each person is so unique and everyone deserves to have beautiful meaningful portraits made.
Every morning you can find me (I’m not kidding-every single morning!) walking around on a forest trail with my trusty pug, Ezme, my little rescue dog.
In my spare time, you might pass me on the highway on my motorcycle on Mt. Rainier, Vashon, or Whidbey Island, some of my favorite places to ride.
My love for adventure and storytelling combined with my passion for photography leads me to where I am today. With you.
What makes my heart beat?
Coffee. Crows. A good artsy creepy film or a good animal or planet earth documentary. Nerding out on health podcasts while I edit. Reading about the healing properties of mushrooms. Yoga. Tea. Hikes. Dogs. My latest obsession, herbalism!
Some random facts that you absolutely do not need to know about me… I walk with a fanny pack full of peanuts to feed the crows. I have multiple bird tattoos. One day I want to have chickens and donkeys, maybe a pig or a cow. I’ve had a dog most all of my life. I am a bit of a music snob. I like anything from metal, spiritual moody stuff, blues, old country, and a little dash of hip hop. I watched the show “The Witcher” on Netflix twice. “Game of Thrones”- absolutely.
When I was really small I thought the world was actually black and white back when my grandmother was young, and then it became color later….

As a small business owner, the importance of giving back means a lot to me.
Thanks to you, I donate part of my profit to animal sanctuaries. In my spare time, I love donating my talent by photographing them.
I grew up here in beautiful Washington State. I moved to Ellensburg for two years of college, and then finished at the Evergreen State College in Olympia where I got my bachelor of arts with a focus in photography. It was all film back then.
After I graduated I moved to Colorado to work and snowboard, mostly snowboard. After moving around the country for a few years, I landed back in Seattle. I started this business roughly 10 years ago.
I don’t have many photos of my mother or myself as a child.
I lost her mother years ago and I am left with maybe 40 photos that I cherish so much.
Somehow telling a family story and creating something for them to look back on for generations to come is very healing for me.
So yeah, basically I’m using you to heal my inner child, ha ha!
I LOVE kids, and I do not have kids of my own. As a professional auntie, I love working with kids.
I have always been drawn to portraits, nature and telling cinematic stories through my photography.
Art is my why, love is my why, and nature is my why.
To tell your story in an artful and playful way is my purpose.

PhOtoGraphy iS tHe sToRy i fAil To pUt iNtO wOrds.

I’ll never forget that first time I created an image on film. I was 19 years old- in the darkroom during college. Watching it slowly come alive was like magic. It was an image of our St. Bernard dog.
I knew right then and there I had found my passion.
Soon after that, I discovered the joy of sharing images with others, and that is the greatest gift. I found my purpose.
More AbouT DawNdrA
Favorite coffee - Mushroom Coffee with Oat milk
Health hack- I add a mix of turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, and ginger.
Dog or Cat person? yes, both. I have a 15 year old cat named Agent Cooper
Favorite Documentary - Fantastic Fungi, My Octopus Teacher, What the Health
Favorite Holiday - Halloween
Favorite Music - too much to type!
What’s my sign? Scorpio
Pugs Name? Ezme
A book I love - “Woman Who Run with the Wolves”
Best photoshoot locations so far- Iceland! Artists Point for Washington. Sedona!
“There are two people in every photograph. The photographer and the viewer”- Ansel adams
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“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. Your really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
― Lucille Ball
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