What does it mean to embrace self love?
Self-love begins with accepting oneself fully, flaws and all. It's about embracing authenticity and being comfortable in one's own skin, free from the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards set by society or others. Accepting oneself allows for greater self-awareness and inner peace. It means letting go of self-criticism, perfectionism, and past mistakes. Self-compassion allows for gentleness and understanding during difficult times, fostering inner healing and growth.
“Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically.”
Gabriela Herstik
Creative Sessions To Celebrate YoU
Creative Empowerment Sessions are perfect for you if my style of photography is on brand with you.
You can want this for no reason at all, to celebrate being alive, or as branding/ lifestyle images for your business.
Let’s document where you are in your life. your 80-year-old self with thank you, TRUST ME!
Sessions are $950 and include a fully edited gallery and $30 print credit. The shoot lasts about an hour and a half to two hours.
I LOVE WORKING WITH WOMEN. Empowering women is sort of my life’s purpose, no big deal.
I get to show you how beautiful you are.
Let’s get in touch with your highest self-and go get lost in a forest or desert.
Creative Empowerment Sessions are $950 and include a beautifully edited online gallery of 70-100 downloadable high and low resolution images to keep forever. You can print from the gallery or save and print as you wish.
BeLievE iT
“Where do I begin? Working with Dawndra was a transformative experience. When I was asked to describe my photoshoot with her, the word that came to me was “effortless.” She is a true master of her craft. I have never seen myself so clearly”
THiS PhotoShOOT could be FoR YoUR BranD- Or SImplY FoR No REasON aT aLL. There are many reasons to celebrate how far you’ve come.
What to expect?
Expect to have some fun. Expect your photographer to guide you with posing the entire time. I am very bossy!
Some women get hair and make up first, some do their own.
Bring touch ups, a brush, a towel if there is water, and flip flops incase we do barefoot (easy to kick off) or for the water images.
We shoot for 90 minutes- but we could play for two hours. I like to shoot at sunset.
I take a 200 deposit to hold the date, the rest is due day of.
If it rains, we reschedule. You will see sneak peaks within a day or two, and then a full gallery of 60-80 images within 5-6 weeks.