Seattle Headshots - Branding/Lifestyle Photographs to enhance your business and your YOU.
Hey there.
I’m often asked if I do head shots or personal branding sessions. Well your in luck, because I love to do these types of sessions. Helping people grow their business, or social media, or finding a new lover, that is just about as rewarding as it gets for me.
These types of photographs can be valuable to you if you need people to know who you are and why you do what you do.
I’m here to help post you, choose your location, and decide on what will be the most flattering to wear. just send me your ideas!
Erin Dietz Blue Peacock Acupuncture
What do you need?
Outdoor Headshot Session- $550
30 edited images. I shoot these at Lincoln Park West Seattle only.
Want a studio? Add $100
Need a Quickie?
10 minutes Lincoln Park $250 - includes 15 images, basic headshots.
For a 60-90 minute branding/headshot session with a few clothing changes, maybe some online dating images, or some social media fun shots.
So you want to head to the hills for a big adventurous branding session? I got you! We can do this up at Gold Creek Pond or Rattlesnake Lake, my favorites!
Email me and tell me your ideas! I would love to help your business and enrich your life with beautiful images.
Lincoln Park Quick Headshot Session
Lifestyle Branding Adventure Session Snoqualmie Pass
Branding for Grit City Woman Tacoma, yes the dogs!
If you work for yourself, you are the boss of your headshot session.
Resting Waters West Seattle
Tabitha Bastien Seattle Actress and wonderful human.
Roxy the hair alchemist! Find her work and amazing hairbrushes HERE
Get some images for your audience or clients to get to know you for social media