My approach to natural newborn sessions- Seattle documentary style Newborn and Family Photographer
"A baby grows more in the first year than at any other time in life. Blink, and they’ve outgrown your arms. Turn around, and they’ve taken their first step."
So, my approach to photographing newborns is an organic natural approach. I don’t swaddle or pose your new baby - but I do suggest poses and snuggles. I suggest you wear solid colors so that when your holding your baby they are the main focus. No busy patterns or bright unnatural colors. You can be causal or fancy. I am very laid back and easy to work with. I am here to capture your connection with your new baby and your family. Sleeping baby shots are super cute, but they are cute no matter what they do. I block off two hours for the session, but we could be done in 75-90 minutes if it all goes smooth. I allow extra time for feeding and fussiness:)
This beautiful new mom went through so much to co-create this life. She wanted to showcase that with this image. All of these needles were used.
Check out these ETSY newborn swaddle wraps here AND HERE Stick with natural earth tones!
Learn a tight swaddle and get your baby used to it before the shoot HERE on youtube - if you don’t care for that look just bring a cute blanket!
New baby sessions are $950 and include 70-100 edited images. You will receive sneak peaks the day after the session. My turn around time is 6-8 weeks, but I always hope for sooner:)
I shoot here in this studio in Pioneer Square or in the comfort of your own home. All we need is good window light and I will come on over!