Spending time with my soul mate - Montana Family and Wedding Photographer

Every year I go visit my family in Arlee, Montana over the Fouth of July week. Arlee is a small a town about a half hour outside of Missoula. There is not even a stop light, and my phone barely works there, and my favorite human is there- I LOVE IT! The family gets their yearly family photographs made, and Ahri and I have some fun!

My first trip out was to meet my cousin’s first born Ahrianna. We had an immediate bond- and have since been connected literally at the hip for all the days I am ever blessed to be with her.

Over the holiday in Arlee there is a Rodeo and a Pow Wow. Its a really nice walk to get to the events- and Ahri and I enjoy going back and forth and taking photos along the way. We both die inside a little every year for the scared and hurt animals during the rodeo. Ahri is an animal lover like her Auntie.

I love her so much it hurts, maybe you can see that in these photographs?


Mother Daughter Session - Seattle Portrait Photographer


Why you should still get photographed when your already married - Seattle Couples Photographer