Ashley & Andy Tied the Knot on the Entiat River - Seattle Wedding Photographer
Hey friends.
This wedding day was so extremely special. The location was gorgeous, the people were SO cool and welcoming, the music was AMAZING. The vibe was perfect. My favorite part of it all - Ashley and Andy. I’m so grateful that the universe brought me there, that they chose me. I had (have) a friend crush on them immediately.
Read on as I ask Ashley some questions, a new format for me. We have fun.
Ashley said this was the best day of her life, and you can see why.
Was it love at first sight or a slow burn?
For Andy it was love at first sight. HA! But seriously, he had a crush on me from afar, and I had a boyfriend at the time, so it that regard it was a slow burn because it took a long time for our timeframes to line up where we were both single.
D: Tell me why where you got married was so special and why you chose it?
A: We got married on my Mom's property on the Entiat River. North Central Washington was were I was raised and I feel like it's in my bones. It was really important to get married in a place that both Andy and I love, and one that feels like home. I always envisioned being barefoot when I got married, fuck shoes. I needed my toes in the grass, and dirt in my toenails because that land is so special to me.
D: What song was playing when you went down the aisle? ( I know this but love it so much)
A: Right Down the Line by Jerry Rafferty. Oooof this song gets me in my feelings so much.
D: How is your mom so cool?
A: Dude- I don't even know, considering what a hellion I was as a teenager, but I sure lucked out in the Mom department. And she let me throw a huge wedding and party on her property?! What. Incredible.
I'm so thankful for the love and friendship I have with my Mom. It meant the world to me to have her walk me down the aisle, as my pops is no longer with us.
She is literally my favorite person.
Mom and Sis
Mom Loves
D: Did you forget to shave your armpits that day? (this is a joke because she said she forgot)
A: Oh who knows, considering that rarely happens anyway. Maybe.
D: Any fun, weird, hilarious, stressful, or even tear jerking moments you will never forget?
A: I had a little nervous breakdown as we were setting up for the wedding because I'm a monster and can't ask for help, and it was hot and I was overheating, and my mom saw the terror in my face and came over and hugged me and let me sob and then said, "go take a cold shower and tell me what you want us to do." BLESS.
Hugging my 94 year old Nana in my Mom's bathroom as I was getting dressed was pretty special.
(cont..)I planned on wearing some strapless bra contraption, and did all this shit to get it to work with my dress, and the day of the wedding when I was getting dressed I was like fuck this, and went braless.
Oh, and the morning after the wedding was pretty funny. A handful of friends camped out on the property, so I spent my wedding night in a hiking tent. HAA
We all got up in the morning and had coffee and pastries that my angel mom brought down to us. We ate breakfast by the river and shot beer cans with bb guns off of barrels. Oh, and I tossed a bouquet over my head, into the river, because tradition. That's how that works right? A sacrifice to the river gods.
D: You know Ashley, I did not wear a bra to your wedding either. I told your mom I was too hot to wear a bra, and she basically said free the titties. I agree. I’m so jealous I missed the beer can shooting.
This is the real shit.
D: What's your dogs names and a little about the dogggies?
Our pup is Lucy and she has an idiot brother that stayed home for the wedding because he was new to us and we thought he'd ruin something.
Lucy is our dog child, we are embarrassingly in love with her. She is incredibly smart and also incredibly neurotic. So she's wonderful and also ALOT.
Tell me a little about your business
I own Lady Wolf Studio in White Center where I do cosmetic tattooing and also share the space with some incredible other artists who specialize in a variety of things from Facials, to lash extensions, to lash line tattooing, brow lamination, waxing, etc.
This is our link tree:
And my personal website is
Thank you Ashley and Andy! May you live happily ever after!